Thursday, September 20, 2012

Month down in Malawi

Lots of things happening here.  I'm updating kids everyday.  Lots of new patients and lots of kids that are returning for follow up appointments.  I've been in surgery most mornings and the other half of the time in the children's ward or my office.  I will post links from time to time on my FB page - but there are kids under this tab that are my kids.

I played french cricket a couple weeks ago - really odd game.  Played squash last friday with one of the doctors.  its like racquetball but the ball is smaller and doesnt have the bounce of a racquetball.  He killed me.  But I will get better, just need to play more.  I'm riding a sketchy bike to and from the the gym.  It may fall apart, its a game to see if it makes it there each day.  By Blantyre standards, its actually not bad.

I'm getting used to shooting with a DSLR and I think my pictures are getting better.  Lighting in the OR is a challenge - along with the surgeons white gloves that reflect a lot of light.  The trick is seeing a shot before it happens and being prepared.  Since a lot of surgeries are knock knees or clubfoot, I know what to expect.  

I'm taking video as well in the ward.  My youtube channel link is below.  I hope to get some exciting video, not all of it will be kids laughing and waving at me.  SO stay tuned there.

My faith is really strengthening here.  I led the chapel service for all hospital staff on Tuesday and the message was definitely spirit led.  The words came naturally, I dont know why I worry about public speaking.  Especially when it's bible study or discussing the word, everyone is on my team here at the hospital.  No one is looking to tear me down.  

Some things in the works - Christmas program for staff and the patients/possible half marathon in Lolongwe (Malawi capital)/Media for our 10th anniversary in October - will have lots of pics and videos for this celebration/helping with youth group on Friday nights/helping paint the guesthouse (where I live) and printing pictures to place in the rooms......lots to do.

Surgery collages that I create for CUREkids - send out to followers after procedure is complete.

1 comment:

  1. Mark! Love the videos! "Fuse box... if you wanna die" LOL. And gotta love those children's laughs. So cute! Bandages and all :) Looks like you are doing well so far. We are all thinking about you!
