Thursday, May 9, 2013

His DEATH meant victory, how afraid of LIFE can we be?

A few people told me that my last post was incredibly sad, I felt that it was hopeful.  But that's coming from the only 3 people that read this it's fine.  But I was going through a tough time and I did feel homesick for the first time.  I can be a baby and I've been known to love self-pity (e.g. 2004-2010) but I'm in a much better place now and I know that God has to be the most important part of my life.  I can't be too upset when I know HE brings me through every situation, regardless of the magnitude or hopeless feeling that may accompany it.  Why do things seem so massive when we go through them?   

I will have some news soon regarding the end of my contract in August with CURE here in Malawi.  I'm a couple weeks shy of the 9 month mark.  Time flies here.  I want to hold out until the next post, since things aren't definite yet.  And also - no one has asked.   

random things:
-my housemate found amazing coffee from a plantation here that delivers ($5 for 2.2 lbs) - I almost cried when I had my first pint

-I still MISS live music (would pay to see Seether at this point)

-I love assessing my relationship with Christ every few months and seeing growth, change and other things that God is tweaking in my heart

-I'm still in the hospital guest house - currently living with all females - it's forced community, which is good for me....if you know me and my weirdness, you understand how much I loved my solitude at home....and did I mention the majority are female?

-my only mode of transport is still a bike that belongs in a retired Florida couple's garage

- I love eggs, cheese, rice and a bowl together.  Oh, I still don't know how to cook proper meals.

-Human Planet (BBC series) is amazing - thanks to special friend for sending.

-I bought my first pair of slip-ons in Malawi last month.  The shoes are a size too small but the guy selling them told me they fit, so I believed him.  The secondhand market is like a thrift shopper's heaven.


  1. I read your last post. I didn't think it was sad. More of a confession of the soul.

    We as humans are always afraid of life or living. There's always that one thing that when presented in front of us makes us afraid. Some it's a blank word document, a clown, love, etc...we must learn to look it in the face, find our voice, and tell it to stand down.

    You've found your voice and I'm proud of you.

  2. What?!?! I've asked you a bajillion times what your plans are so I can pray for you!! Oh by the way... Did I mention I'm going to the Middle East and maybe God will let me stay there?!
    -one of the 3 that read this

  3. Mark,
    If you would link this to Facebook and let everyone know when you post a new blog, your 18 followers might FOLLOW you. I just happen to click on occasionally and see a new one - you don't email me each time that you've added one.
    Also, what does "no one's asked" mean? We ask constantly and people who know you ask us constantly. So we are all anxiously awaiting the news!
    Thanks for including the pix - it's great to know these little ones are being given a better life because of CURE.
    P.S. Thanks for the sweet Mother's Day message you posted on Facebook. You are an awesome Son!

  4. Very excited to hear that news will be coming shortly about your future plans! I love you, Mark, and I can't wait to hear what God has in store for you next.

    - proving that more than 3 people read this
