Sunday, December 8, 2013


Words won't accurately convey her spirit or the joy that she brought to so many people from around the world.  But, I must attempt to remember and honor her life.  She was a friend.  An encourager.  A witness.  Sarah was special and made an impact every single day.  Thank you God for her life.  For her heart.  It's odd that I feel like I lost a family member when I had known her for a little more than a year.  But that speaks of the person that she was and how she will be remembered.  She cared about people.  She cared about lives.  Regardless of how messy or how different from her own.  

Tears rolled down my cheek as I looked into the eyes of the girls at the Samaritan Trust orphanage after they were told of the accident.  Sarah loved the girls there and poured her heart out weekly spending time with them.  It wasn't unnatural, forced or fake.  It was genuine and authentic.  

As we said goodbye last week after church, we laughed together because Sarah wasn't quite ready to leave for Zimbabwe for a week and the details about leaving from Lusayo were a bit vague.  But that didn't bother her - she was incredibly spontaneous and incredibly patient.  Both of them were so balanced and laid back...if only we all could roll with the punches like they did.  I laughed and told her it would be fine.  She laughed and agreed.  

If I could have those final moments back, I would tell her this:

Thank you...
for showing me what it looks like to love authentically.
for showing me how to display the gospel without words. 
for showing me what it looks like to truly care about people and live intentionally 24/7.
for being a perfect example of a changed heart. 
for caring about me.
for showing me how to trust God with your whole heart.
for pushing me out of my comfort zone with youth group.
for encouraging me to get involved with Samaritan's and sharing joy with me there.
for the coffee every sunday morning, even when you were running late (every week).
for showing me patience - with your relationships, car trouble, and other frustrations of living away from home.
for laying down your life for Christ.  You live on in my heart and will be shared with others for all long as I live.

Thank you Sarah.  I miss you.


  1. Sending you a hug Mark. I am sorry for your loss, but her spirit lives on in you and let her light guide you.

  2. Son, if you were wondering what to say at her memorial service tomorrow, you just said it. What an awesome tribute to a beautiful and precious young lady. She will continue to live on in the hearts of those she touched. To God be the Glory!!
